Teamwork makes the dream work.
Everyone knows that working together as a team can make difficult tasks easier. That is certainly the case with the team heist. All team members will participate in a collaborative challenge to unlock three levels of rewards.
To participate in the challenge, join a team and collect keys, both in levels and completing missions. The Team Heist is available every week from Monday to Thursday.
Every day, players will receive 3 different missions, each of which, upon completion, adds keys to the team's collection. These missions can require players to pass levels on the first try, reach a certain level, or unlock a certain amount of Star Chests.
These missions will reset every day during the Team Heist event.
How to Unlock the Chests:
- Every day, players will be given a series of missions
- Each mission comes with a key value
- Each level you play also contains keys to collect
- Once your team collects enough keys, the chest will open
Small Chest
The Small Chest is the first to be unlocked and the easiest to reach. However, this also means it contains the smallest rewards of the three chests.
Medium Chest
The Medium Chest will require some teamwork to unlock, but if everyone works together, there is no reason why it can’t be opened within the challenge times.
Large Chest
The Large Chest is the final team chest to collect and contains the largest bonus. Work together to unlock this chest before the challenge expires. The large chest contains a trove of amazing boosters and coins.